Wednesday 7 January 2015

Campaign Diary - Day Two

This morning's 4am conference call was a brief affair.

The Premier had to dash to the Coast for radio interviews which gave Slugger Seeney, Treasurer Timbo and I only a few moments to congratulate him on yesterday's performance.

'Booyah! Booyah!', we harked in unison (though Slugger may have said 'Bovril! Bovril!').

After the Premier left the call, we mused for a while about which electorate he might shift to, should the unimaginable happen, and he lose Ashgrove.

Seeney wanted his 'good friend Campbell' confined to the South East. Timbo was thinking Indooroopilly. However, I quickly convinced them on the merits of Ipswich West. Sorry Choaty.

At 8am, I breakfasted with Federal President of the Young Liberal Movement, and noted RM Williams fancier, Ben Riley.

Rilo is a unique and unrestrained political mind and he offered some insights into campaigning while we enjoyed our croissants and tall tumblers of Old Raj gin.

'Lamington', he said, 'You've got to increase your constituent contact'.

I was flummoxed and, even through the gin fog, Rilo sensed my bewilderment.

'You know', he continued, 'Your constituents'.

'My serfs?'

'No, your constituents'.



Then, using a series of hastily drawn notes drawn on the table linen, he explained that serfs - sorry constituents - vote in elections and these votes determine not only their local member but the government.

'Hell's bells Rilo, you must be jolly joshing!', I said, 'I rule by divine right. Why, I'm mentioned by name and title in the bloody Magna Carta!'

Rilo made a face. Must have been the caviar.

'No Lamington. You were voted in by these people and you have to be nice to them. At least until February 1'.

'And not shoot them with blunderbusses...because that's been my strategy since 2012'.

'No Lamington. No shooting. No hovering menacingly over their house in your dirigible. You have to play nice'.

There was a short pause before we both broke into uncontrollable cackling.

'Oh, Rilo', I hooted, 'You almost had me there! Constituents! Ha! Next you'll be pulling my leg about climate change'.

And with that we drained our gins and fetched the blunderbusses for a spot of serfing.