Friday 1 November 2013

A Letter to the Attorney General

Hon Jarrod Bleije MP
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
GPO Box 149
Brisbane QLD 4001

Dear Attorney

I write on behalf of a constituent, Mr Harold Davidson, aka The Knee Fairy, aka Berserker Bob, aka Skullarago.

I declare, for your interest, my past presidency of the Queensland Law Society and trust that the unpleasantness of your articled clerk hazing is behind us. I’m told that acetone, a readily available chemical compound, will remove items super-glued to one’s body. Hamsters, I assure you, make loyal pets once detached from one’s nipples. They are also tasty, toasted.

I digress.

My constituent, Mr Davidson, is an upstanding Ippy business owner.

For many years, he and his jolly band of chums have inked Ippy serfs with flaming skulls and anatomically amplified - at least to my experience - women wielding machine guns. Mr Davidson also operates a debt recovery service with efficient and understandable violence. To be quite honest, he has single-handedly kept the nail-through-plank industry viable in Ippy.

Recently I was Mr Davidson’s guest as he and his chums took a two-wheeled jaunt through the Lockyer Valley to attend a series of business meetings. Don’t these modern motorised velocipedes really zoom! My magnificent ivory mane was in a right flap!

After Mr Davidson delivered his cleaning powder to his enthusiastic local sales consultants, we imbibed a refreshing tipple at Satan’s Anus, one of the area’s historical public houses. We even squeezed in a spot of billiards.

I regret to inform that Mr Davidson has been inadvertently snagged by your anti-motorcycle ruffian laws. He currently sits, forlorn and faultless, in the Brisbane Watchhouse.

I support your legislation. You’ll recall I drafted and championed the Marauding Mimes and Miscellaneous Marcel Marceau Act of 1903 when an infestation of the painted pests fleeing the Boer War meant that decent, fully-audible chaps couldn’t walk the streets without colliding with bloody imaginary glass-boxes.

However, I am quite confident of Mr Davidson’s innocence and seek your swift intervention to secure his release. He has left a stockpile of his cleaning chemicals at Berry Manor and I’m concerned the hunting dogs might get into it.

Yours sincerely

Fake Ian Berry MP

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Joining Campbell's Bikie War


Fake Ian Berry MP has joined Premier Campbell Newman’s war against outlaw motorcycle gangs.

‘I have intelligence that a notorious motorcycle hoodlum is operating in Ippy’, Lord Berry said.

‘He has hoodwinked an upstanding local family, convincing them to rent him a room above their carport.’

‘I’m appalled! I know the family well. The father owns the local hardware store. We’re members of the same lodge!’

‘His son, a young ginger-haired chap, is regularly seen with this two-wheeled desperado. It’s wrecked his prospects in the Young LNP!’

Dressed in a Royal Canadian Mounted Police uniform and twirling a truncheon, Lord Berry said he suspected that the bikie leader was in cahoots with union thugs.

‘Apparently this hoodlum can switch on electrical equipment by clicking his fingers - dark arts straight from the Electrical Trade Union!’

Lord Berry said the bikie leader was running his Ippy empire from the lavatory of a local fast food establishment, referred to as ‘his office’.

‘Goodness knows how many Council regulations this contravenes!’

‘I’ve learned he plans to demonstrate his prowess at Wivenhoe Dam on Saturday by brazenly jumping a shark whilst on water-skis!’

Lord Berry said that he had gladly authorised the use of extreme force.

‘My LNP troopers will go in blunderbusses blazing! I expect several thousand serfs to be mown down.’

‘Anyone who spots this hoodlum is to report him immediately. My office has circulated the following recent image to aid in the identification of this ruffian.’


Monday 12 August 2013

Only the LNP will fight for Blair!


Fake Ian Berry MP dramatically escalated the LNP’s claim to be the true champions of Ipswich today by declaring war on the Victorian city of Geelong.

‘That rapscallion Shayne Neumann has been saying he’s the only one who will fight for the electorate’, Lord Berry, director of the LNP campaign for Blair, said.

‘He’s put it on sodding billboards!’

‘Well, I say not only are the Liberal National Party the best brawlers for Blair but we’ll whip any other city, municipality or uppity caravan park to prove it!’

Dressed in his Boxer Rebellion regimentals and sitting astride Wilson Tuckey, his Hanoverian warhorse, Lord Berry said he had lodged the declaration of war with the Mayor of Geelong earlier that day.

‘It took him by complete surprise. I’ve seized the tactical advantage!’

Lord Berry said there were two reasons he had targeted the coastal Victorian city.

‘Firstly, they have a few more serfs than Ippy. There’d be nothing sporting in starting our campaign against a minnow like Warwick. Giving Geelong a bloody nose is exactly the hit out we need before challenging the bigger towns.’

‘Secondly, Geelong has a shameful history of voting Labor. They deserve a thrashing!’

Lord Berry announced that Premier Campbell Newman had enthusiastically approved conscription for all serfs within the boundaries of Blair.

‘I haven’t seen the Premier so keen to pass a law since Segways!’

Lord Berry advised serfs to arm themselves appropriately before assembling in Queens Park for the six-week march south.

‘I’ll rendezvous with those that survive the death-march in October to assume command.’

‘Harry Flashman, an old chum from Rugby School, has loaned me his manor house overlooking the battlefield outside Geelong. I’ll direct the bloodbath from the croquet lawn.’

Lord Berry said LNP candidate for Blair, Tina Hardlinger, had a vital role to play in the looming war.

‘She’ll do what she does best, wave at passing traffic. She’ll be a terrific boost for our boys as they march to their annihilation.’

‘I promise all Ippy cannon-fodder that their pointless sacrifice will prove, beyond doubt, that only the LNP fights for Blair.’


Wednesday 3 July 2013

Dramatic Changes to the LNP Campaign for Blair


Fake Ian Berry MP has announced shakeup of the LNP campaign for the Federal seat of Blair.

'Kevin Rudd’s return has caused a rethink of LNP strategy’, Lord Berry said.

‘Our polling shows we’re bleeding support in our two key demographics unthinking bigots and Ipswich Mayors.’

‘Turns out you can’t win an election by simply repeating three word slogans. No one is more surprised than me!’

Lord Berry said crisis talks at LNP Headquarters in Castle Greyskull had lasted all weekend.

'I’m chuffed to announce the party is unleashing their most formidable weapon in Blair. Me.’

Lord Berry paused for applause.

'I’m the nation’s most experienced campaigner. Long before Kevin07, I was Berry1777'.

'I gave Abraham Ten Broeck a jolly good scare in New York gubernatorial election that year.’

Lord Berry said he would take over as Blair campaign manager immediately or, at the very latest, by three weeks next Thursday.

His first priority would be to increase the candidate's name recognition.

'I'm flabbergasted that after 8 solid months of waving at traffic, serfs still don't know who she is.’

‘Haven’t they seen her natty scarf? Her name’s sewed right on it in great big letters, by golly!’

Lord Berry said he would ramp up the candidate’s appearance at Ipswich events.

‘My message to those who have accused the candidate of inappropriately and flagrantly gate crashing events across the electorate is that they haven’t seen anything yet.’

‘On Saturday I’ve arranged for her to ride an LNP combine harvester through 19 junior football and netball matches, mostly at half time depending on our schedule.’

‘I’ve dubbed it the ‘Caravan of Carnage’ and I warn young serfs to get on board, or get out of the way.’

Lord Berry his sole focus would now be on Blair.

‘I’m directing all my legendary vim and vigour to the task!’ he said.

‘In order to restore hope, opportunity and that other thing, we must elect Tina Hardlinger!’


Monday 13 May 2013

Raiders of the Lost Labor Ark


Fake Ian Berry MP has announced an archaeological dig for the lost Labor treasures of Ippy.

‘Simply put, I’ve almost run out of things to open!’ Lord Berry said, resplendent in a herringbone safari suit standing some distance from hundreds of workers furiously digging up Queens Park.

Lord Berry has been conspicuously present at the opening of a number of long-running Labor projects in Ippy since his election in 2012 where he courageously promised nothing.

‘With canny management I’ve stretched these over a year! School buildings, a fire station at Ripley, they’ve all made the paper! Each and every one funded by that awful Labor junta.’

Lord Berry said that last week’s opening of the Ippy Hospital car park was the third last Labor project to conclude in the area.

‘Next is the hospital expansion, though I’m not sure Springborg will staff it, which might make the opening ceremony very echoey. Then, finally, the ICON building which we may, or may not, fill with public service serfs.’

Lord Berry was confident the archaeological dig would unearth more projects he could then re-announce.

‘Lurking beneath the topsoil may be an entire school that David Hamill failed to adequately exploit!’

However, he said rumours of Bill Hayden’s ‘Ark of the Covenant’ were likely mere speculation.

‘That said, some months ago I dispatched young Corey from my office to Nepal and he’s returned with a magnificently detailed burn on his hand, blabbering about a chap in a Fedora and the Staff of Ra!’

‘So next month I’m off to Tannis to search for the Well of Souls. I’ve pre-poisoned the dates!’

Lord Berry was certain re-announcing past ALP spending would significantly boost his popularity.

‘Well it would have to, wouldn’t it’, he said.

He dismissed a call for actual LNP investment in Ippy as a class-warfare attack on Queensland’s Triple-A credit rating.

‘I won’t stand for that’, he said, loosing a round from his blunderbuss at the feet of some workers resting on their pick-axes.


Tuesday 7 May 2013

Get Ippy Back on Track!


Fake Ian Berry MP today announced Get Ippy Back on Track! the LNP plan to get Ippy back on track.

Lord Berry hinted at the long rumoured document during a recent stoush with Ipswich City Councillor Andrew Antoniolli about a pedestrian crossing on the David Trumpy Bridge.

‘I’ve been beavering away on this each night till before supper’, Lord Berry said.

‘I am delighted to say that Get Ippy Back on Track! Stage 1, the mass sacking of Ippy public service serfs, is already well underway.’

‘Ippy footpaths again bustle with serfs that formerly healed other serfs, to the detriment, quite frankly, of Queensland’s Triple-A rating.’

Lord Berry said construction of the Trumpy Bridge pedestrian crossing signalled the start of Stage 2.

‘This government will dramatically increase the number of pedestrian crossings and other traffic slowing measures all across Ippy.’

‘By 2019 automobiles will be forced to stop every 20 yards for at least 6 minutes.’

Lord Berry said it was simple from that point.

‘Soldiers will marshal the hordes of jobless public service serfs in an endless loop through the city.’

‘Traffic will grind to a stop as the hordes repeatedly use the 8000 pedestrian crossings as they scavenge for food and fight off crows. Apparently the congestion will be visible from space!’

‘Nothing screams progress like an automobile jam. Just look at New York!’

Stage 3 involved the compulsory costuming of sacked public service serfs.

‘They’ll be dressed in 1930’s garb. For some reason that felt right. However, we also plan historical and seasonal variations. Imagine the streets filed with Huguenots or Ginger Meggs characters?’

‘Tourists will come by the carload and their vehicles will add to the congestion’, Lord Berry said tapping his temple knowingly.’

Lord Berry said that Get Ippy Back on Track was the right plan for the time.

‘My message to Ippy serfs is to get on board with the LNP Government's plan to get Ippy back on track or get out of the way.’


Monday 29 April 2013

'Sheriffs and Sausages’ strategy for naughty children


Fake Ian Berry MP has supported a call for the reintroduction of corporal punishment of children made by the Member for Ipswich West, Sean Choat.

Mr Choat brought kiddie whacking to national attention at a recent community forum in Lord Berry’s electorate that Lord Berry didn’t attend.

‘Someone told me afterwards’, Lord Berry said.

‘I was at the club, sipping a tall tumbler of Old Raj, when Chester, lovely chap, wandered up after boules and asked if I’d heard about Choaty. Has he
taken another tumble from his scooter, I asked. We chortled for a bit, and then Chester said no, Choaty had called for more kiddie whacking!’

Lord Berry said that although he was deeply impressed by Mr Choat’s clarion call, he felt it hadn’t gone far enough.

Today he announced the formation of a squadron of hooded horse-mounted sheriffs to patrol Ippy, ready to dispense punishment to naughty children.

‘Sometimes the old ideas are the best ideas’, Lord Berry said.

Lord Berry said the Sheriffs would work in conjunction with the Safe City cameras to provide an immediate whip-based solution to the socially unacceptable
behaviour of those too young to vote.

‘They’ll patrol shopping centres and roam menacingly outside schools, playgrounds and Wiggles concerts’, Lord Berry said.

‘Let’s see if Little Johnny thinks it’s funny to make flatulence noises in class when a stonking black horse and masked Sheriff crash through the door!’

Lord Berry said he understood that many of Ippy’s hardened criminal children would require stronger sanction.

Lord Berry said that after discussions with Ipswich City Council, the Queensland Police and Woolworths, he had agreed to re-open the sausage making
facility at Berry Manor.

‘We put our first batch of ‘Toddler-Screaming-At-Checkout’ bratwurst through on Sunday’.

‘Anyone who rejects the sensible measures outlined in ‘Sheriffs and Sausages’ is clearly a politically correct apologist’, Lord Berry said.


Wednesday 24 April 2013

Morning Tea for Serfs with Too Much Time on their Hands


Fake Lord Ian Berry MP today announced a re-skilling morning tea* for Ippy serfs.

‘I am concerned that too many serfs have too little to do’, Lord Berry said.

Lord Berry brought the issue to national attention in non-unhinged remarks in Parliament last week and later in The Queensland Times.

‘There has been an undeniable increase in Internet mischief-making to the detriment of a number of eminent Ipswichians.’

‘Victims have told my office they are quite unable to concentrate on their falconry or lamington workhouses.’

‘I’m determined to put a stop it’, Lord Berry said, looking distinctively Churchillian.

Lord Berry said there was no link between increased spare time and recent LNP public serf cuts.

‘That’s a nonsense cooked up by the Member for Bundamba and noted Trotskyist, Jo-Ann Miller.’

However, Lord Berry encouraged Ippy serfs who, until recently, received a regular stipend from the State government but found themselves ‘kicking about and
causing problems on electric typewriters’ to register for the morning tea.

This includes the following serfs
  • Nurses/Doctors/Physiotherapists/Social Workers/Psychologists/Misc Hospital serfs
  • Teachers/Senior Police Officers
  • Rail/Department of Main Roads/Tenancy Advocacy serfs
  • Miscellaneous serfs
Lord Berry said specialist advisors would address the morning tea on careers likely to me in demand in the coming LNP economy, including
  • Itinerant wanderers
  • Rag-and-bone men
  • 1930’s dustbowlers
  • Corpse tossers on LNP ‘Bring out Your Dead’ carts
  • Human batteries (as featured in the Matrix documentary film)
* Serfs are advised to bring their own plate of food. Toilet facilities not available.